- The USA and Kenya add all-cargo rights to their Air Transport Agreement
The Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs of the USA and the Kenyan Cabinet Secretary for Transport, signed an amendment to the U.S.A – Kenya Air Transport Agreement on 5th of February. This amendment now adds seventh-freedom traffic rights for all cargo operations between the two countries. These rights allow American all-cargo airlines to fly between Kenya and a third country without having to stop in U.S.A, and the reverse also applies. It also allows for both countries to operate mutual hubs. This provides all-cargo airlines greater flexibility and enables them to be more efficient.
- Establishment of Nairobi City County Sister Cities Committee
The Nairobi County Assembly has resolved to establish a committee known as The Nairobi City County Assembly Sister Cities Committee to actualize the Nairobi Sister Cities Initiative. This committee comprises the Speaker of the County Assembly, nine MCAs, a representative from the office of the County Secretary, three members of the public who are familiar with the operations of the organization, and the first Speaker of the County Assembly. Sister Cities International was founded by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956 to promote peace and prosperity by creating bonds between people from different cities, which would enable them to appreciate their differences and build partnerships. Nairobi County Assembly signed an MOU with this initiative to create bonds between people from different cities and around the world.
- Hitch in building permit issuance causes loss of 69 Billion
The value of approved housing projects has dropped by 69 Billion in the past one year, according to Architectural Association of Kenya. This loss is being attributed to the delay in processing construction permits by the Nairobi County Government. These delays, which have been blamed on the suspension of City Hall’s technical planning committee and e-permit downtime during the second half of 2019, consequently prolong project implementation timelines.
The Architectural Association of Kenya has thus launched the Buildhub Website, which will provide developers with key information in approval stages, turnaround time, required documentation and charges.
- Ministry of Environment orders mapping of polluters
The Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Forestry has directed NEMA to commission a nationwide mapping of all the polluters in the country within the next two months. This is to ensure that they comply with the laws set in place to curb pollution.
- National Assembly holds special sitting
The Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon. Justin Muturi, has called for a special sitting of the House on 10th February at 2:30pm, to notify the members of the message from the President regarding persons nominated as Cabinet Secretaries and Principal Secretaries. The House will also consider a motion regarding the Presidential Proclamation after the demise of President Moi, and the alteration of the calendar of the House in view of that proclamation.
- Kilifi and Malindi Counties delegate functions
The County Governments for Kilifi and Malindi have delegated various functions, with effect management services, flood controls, construction and maintenance of recreational parks, street lighting, traffic controls and parking facilities, construction of bus and taxi stands, firefighting services,animal control and welfare, etc.
- Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority approves various tariffs
The Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority has approved the applicable tariff of Ksh 5.00/kWh for the Olkaria-Kedong Special Economic Zone. It has also approved USD 0.99/m3, and USD 4.19/m3 as the applicable Jetty Handling (KOT-KOSF/KPRL/VTTI and SOT- SHIMANZI/CHANGAMWE) and Primary Storage tariff (KOSF/KPRL) prices respectively.
- IEBC gazettes Nairobi County Returning Officer for clearance of Nairobi Deputy Governor
The Chairperson of the IEBC has gazetted Joseph Eroo Mele as the Nairobi County Returning Officer. This is specifically so that he can clear the Nairobi Deputy County Governor, in accordance with the advisory opinion given by the Supreme Court.
- IEBC gazettes the reallocation of special seats in Taita Taveta and Kilifi County Assemblies
Anastacia Wakesho Mombo’s disqualification from being a member of the Taita Taveta County Assembly, and her replacement with Beatrice Manga Nyambu, has been gazetted. Further, following the resignation of Amina Nassor Abdalla as a Kilifi County MCA, Christine Nzara John has been appointed as her replacement. This appointment has also been gazetted.
- IEBC announces the by-election in Kilifi County Assembly, and appoints the Returning and Deputy Returning Officers
IEBC has declared 29th April, 2020, to be the date of the by-election in Dabaso ward, Kilifi County. It has also gazetted the regulations to be followed, in accordance with the Election Act. These include the rule that each political party intending to participate should have submitted the names of those contesting in the party primaries by 6th February, 2020. It has also appointed Hillary Kombe and Christine Munga Mwadiza as Returning Officer and Deputy Returning Officer for these by-elections.
- Customs and Border Control Department lists goods to be destroyed and those to be sold
The Customs and Border Control Department has released a list of goods which, unless the owners get them entered and removed from the custody of the Customs Warehouse Keeper within 30 days, they will be treated as abandoned and will be destroyed on the 11th of March, this year. The Department has also published a list of goods which will be auctioned on 10th of March, unless they get entered and removed from the custody of the Customs Warehouse Keeper.
- The Council of Legal Education gazettes the advocates admitted to the bar
The Council of Legal Education gazetted the newly-admitted advocates on 7th February. The advocates, who were admitted to the bar earlier in the week, have successfully completed their studies at Kenya School of Law, and pupilage under various pupil masters. Another lot of aspiring advocates also began their classes on 4th of February.
- County Government of Mombasa releases correction on property rates appearing in the 2011 valuation roll
The County Government of Mombasa has issued a notice of correction on the levied rates on all rateable property as are appearing in the 2011 valuation roll. The rates payable for a commercial or industrial property are 0.8% of the unimproved site value of that property, while for an agricultural property, the rates payable are 0.6% of its unimproved site value. The deadline for payment of land rates is 1st March, 2020.
Kilifi Governor appoints members of the Kilifi and Malindi Municipality Boards
The County Governor of Kilifi, Dr Amason Kingi, has appointed Charles Dadu Karisa, the CEC member in charge of lands, housing, energy, physical planning and urban development, to be a member of both the Board of Special Municipality of Kilifi, and the Board of the Muncipality of Malindi. He has also appointed to both Boards Moses Gunda Munga, the Chief Officer in charge of physical planning and urban development. He has appointed representatives of various stakeholders to each committee as well. The term of these representatives is five years.
- Kiambu County publishes County Agriculture Revolving Fund Regulations
Kiambu County has published the Kiambu County Agriculture Revolving Fund Regulations, 2020. These regulations can be accessed on the Kiambu County website, or at the county government offices.
- Communications Authority of Kenya receives applications for various licenses
Orb Courier Limited and Speedaf Logistics Kenya have submitted applications to The Communications Authority of Kenya to be licensed as National Courier Service Providers. Wavex Internet Service Limited and Moja Access Limited have also applied to be licensed as Network Facilities Providers, on Tier 3 and Tier 2 respectively.
- NEMA publishes Strategic Environmental Assessment Report for the Airspace Master Plan 2015-2030
The National Environment Management Authority has published the assessment report for the Airspace Master Plan 2015-2030, whose objective is to institute order through airspace planning and managing, as a continuation of what had been proposed under the Airspace Master Plan. The full report is available at The Ministry of Environment and Forestry offices and at NEMA offices. NEMA is also inviting oral or written comments from the Public on this.