Nairobi County invites public participation on its fiscal strategy paper
The Nairobi County Government has invited the Public to participate in the process of formulating the Fiscal Strategy Paper, 2020/21. Civil Society organizations, faith-based organizations, the private sector, and other interested parties are invited for the consultative forums, which have been scheduled in different venues in each of the seventeen sub-counties, on the 19th of February, from 10:00 am.
President declines to assent to Law of Contract (Amendment) Bill
The President has declined to assent to the Law of Contract (Amendment) Bill. He referred it back to the National Assembly, with reservations on the second clause of the Bill. This clause sought to amend Section 3 of the Law of Contract Act, to now provide that in the case of a default by the principle borrower, assets of the said borrower should be realized before the assets of the guarantor(s). The President has rejected the amendment, stating that it would adversely affect the micro and SMEs due to credit advanced to them. He also states that it will negate a long-standing principle of contract law, and prejudice the financial sector.
CBK drafting law to regulate digital lending
The Central Bank of Kenya has announced that it is drafting a statutory strategy to regulate digital lending apps. This strategy has pillars such as risk-based pricing and ethical banking. It could also seek to protect the data of the borrower. This has come up due to the unregulated scope of digital lending apps, which charge interest up to as high as 40%, and some even violate data protection laws by accessing contacts on the borrower’s phone and contacting them.
Establishment of Daadab Law Courts
The Chief Justice has established law courts in Daadab, with effect from 1st April, 2020. These are magistrate courts which will be under the supervisory jurisdiction of Garissa High Court.
Appointment of Board Member of Kenya Civil Aviation Authority
The Cabinet Secretary in the ministry of Transport, Infrastructure, Housing, Urban Development and Public Works has appointed Kiki Robert Onyonka as a board member of Kenya Civil Aviation Authority. His term will be three years, with effect from 24th January, 2020.
Appointment of Board Member of Capital Markets Tribunal
The Cabinet Secretary for National Treasury and Planning has appointed Issa Ibrahim Mahat to be the secretary of the Capital Markets Tribunal, effective 1st February, 2020. This appointment has been gazetted. His term will last three years.
Taita Taveta County Government appoints Alcoholic Drinks Control and Licensing Board and Sub-County Committees
The Taita Taveta County Governor, Granton Samboja, has appointed the County Alcoholic Drinks Control and Licensing Board, led by Lulu Mohamed. The eleven-member committee includes an Anti-Drugs Representative as well. He has also appointed sub-county committees for the four sub-counties, Voi, Taveta, Wundanyi and Mwatate.
Gazettement of Notice to Acquire Land for Construction of Nairobi Western By-Pass Road Project
The Kenya National Highways Authority (KenHA), through the National Land Commission, has gazette its intention to acquire pieces of land for the construction of the Nairobi Western By-Pass Road Project. It has listed the names of the plot owners, the plot numbers and the plot sizes. Plans of the affected land are available for inspection at National Land Commission during office hours.
Kenya School of Government releases list of students that passed the Proficiency Examination
The Kenya School of Government has released a list of 573 students that sat for the Proficiency Exam for Clerical Officers, which was done from 19th to 22nd August, 2019. It has also listed the students who did not pass the exams, who were 278. The latter are required to re-sit their exams.
Provisional Registration of new political parties
The Registrar of Political Parties has given notice that two parties have applied for provisional registration. The Universal Unity Party and The Great Nationhood Party have applied to be registered. The Registrar has invited anyone with objections to their registration to make their written submissions to their offices within seven days.